Please help sea lion Mums on Mothers' Day


This Mothers' Day Forest & Bird is raising awareness of the deaths of New Zealand sea lion mothers and pups caused by squid fishing practices.

This year Fisheries Minister Jim Anderton has allowed the squid fishery to kill 93 sea lions, but the actual number of deaths is much higher. The female sea lions drowned in squid nets are usually pregnant, so their unborn pups also die. And their pups waiting for them back on shore also starve to death. So for every mother killed, three sea lions actually die.

By going to Forest & Bird's website and downloading our Mothers' Day card, you can help save mother sea lions and their pups. Please print out the postcard and send it to Fisheries Minister Jim Anderton at Parliament (freepost) asking him to reduce sea lion mortality. Thanks for your support.

Dr Peter Maddison, Forest & Bird National President



Thanks for your support.

Dr Peter Maddison
Forest & Bird National President